A lawyer by day and aspiring tennis player by night who underwent MACI surgery

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Week 1

The following is a general day-by-day summary of my first few days following surgery.  I have tried to cover the main issues/topics that may be of concern to people.  If you have questions, please feel free to leave a comment and I will do my best to respond.  

Day 1: 6.6.18

Sleep: I woke up every hour predominately because of the discomfort of sleeping with my legs elevated on a couch cushion. When I woke up at 5:00 a.m. the blood rushed in my leg after de-elevating but pain subsided shortly and I was able to comfortably fall back asleep.  After taking meds at 5:00 a.m., I slept about 3 hours in a row without waking up.  

Pain: I had no desire to endure pain.  I took 2 norco (10-325) every 6 hours.  I figured that in the early stages there really was not any harm in being extremely precautionary about pain prevention.  I took the anti-nausea pills and stool softener as well.  

Appetite: Fine.  Probably too good :)  

ADLs: I generally felt good waking up, washing my face, brushing my teeth, etc. It helps that I can had limited weight bearing as opposed to completely non-weight bearing. It gave me just the right amount of autonomy; however, my mom is taking care of a lot in terms of getting me water, food, etc.  She has been a real trooper and I am really thankful that she made the trip to help me out.  For those wondering, if you were in my position and could be weight bearing post surgery and would not have live-in assistance, you could do this on your own.  The day after surgery, I could have attended to my own needs.  It would have been pretty damn difficult but it was doable.  Basically, when the brace is locked, you just move around with a peg-leg.  If you are non-weightbearing (like for femoral defects) that likely changes the dynamic and I would imagine that it is much, much, much more difficult.  Lastly, even on day 1, the boredom was highly foreseeable but I was pumped to wake up and watch the French Open on the Tennis Channel.  One of the few times in my life that I'm able to wake up on a week day and watch European tournaments in the morning. I'll take it. 

CPM: My CPM regimen was to start at 30 degrees and to increase 5 degrees each day as tolerated.  I was instructed to sit in it for at least 4 hours each day. 
First session:  (2 hours) - I was sore in the beginning and took two pain pills at the start. I started at 15 degrees; moved to 18; then 20, 25. The last 45 minutes I was at 30 degrees.  I had a burning sensation in my knee after I was finished. 
Second session: (3 hours) - Gradual increase up to 30 degrees.  I spent 1.5 hours at 30 degrees. 
In general, it feels like I’m going to tear the stitches when it gets to the top of the flexion.  At the top, it makes me squirm a little bit as the degrees increase with flexion.
Physical complaints:
Starting to get muscle spasms in my quad 
Woke up with a really tight calf 

Day 2: 6.7.18

Sleep: I slept ๐Ÿ› better and longer, about 9.5 hours total.  I did wake up periodically and one time with spasms but overall I felt pretty good.  

Pain:  I tried just taking one pill in the middle of the night.  It was maybe a little soon for that.  When I woke up with spasms I was in pain so I'm going to continue taking 2 every 6 hours.  I figure there is no trophy for enduring pain and I have nothing to do but recover so I would prefer to do it pain free. 

Appetite: My appetite is fine but I feel extremely dehydrated from the anesthesia.  I feel like I cannot drink enough water which is fine but when you are immobile, getting up to use the restroom is challenging.

Icing:  I stopped using the ice machine today. I can not feel the cooling through my bandages so for now I am just elevating my leg.  

Started at 20 and went up to 25 and 35. I tried 40, which was a little sore at the top.
Sitting in the CPM makes my back sore/uncomfortable; my gluteus are sore too from sitting so much.
I did 5 hours total in the CPM.
Physical complaints:  I feel dirty but I did wash my hair for the first time and it felt great.  

Day 3: 6.8.18 

Sleep: Sleeping is going pretty well overall. Sleeping with my leg elevated is uncomfortable but it is part of recovery 

Pain:  I did not take any pills before bed, but I took one at 2:00 am. Overall, the pain is tolerable. I am planning to try and just take it towards the end of the day, which will help prepare for work days when I cannot take anything in the morning ๐Ÿ—‚as I will be working.

Appetite: No problems except wanting to eat๐Ÿฝ when I am bored.   

Icing: I am using the ice machine again now that I can feel it although I do not believe it gets as cold as I would like it to.

CPM: I made it up to 40 degrees.  I started at 25 and progressed upwards for a daily total of 4 hours.  My complaints are the same as Day 2.

Physical Complaints: In general I feel pretty good. As good as I can be all things considered. Mentally, thinking about starting work from home stresses me out but I have to start on Tuesday. 

Post-Op Appt:
Today was my first post-operative appointment and things went well. Swelling, mobility, pain, etc are all within normal ranges or better. 
Bandage and steri-strips were changed 
Clarified that the following are all normal: Popping in my knee, Spasms in the quadricep, light pressure in the joint on the patella.
It’s normal to feel some pain in the joint. Some bending in the knee is fine so long as it’s not a loaded movement. 
Generally , it was suggested that I try some light stretching and quad sets. Nothing intense, just some preliminary work before I start PT. 
I might try and develop a routine of stretching, upper body work and quad sets/lifts 

Day 4: 6.9.18

Today was the first day without my Mom or any assistance.

Sleep: I slept 9.5 hours and got up once around 2:00 am. My discomfort is primarily attributable to the brace and not being able to sleep on my side. 

Pain: I have not taken any pain pills  since yesterday around 6:00 pm before my CPM session. Trying to only take them, if at all, in the evenings. I am going to attempt to not take any tomorrow unless I am in pretty bad pain. 

Appetite: I'm trying not to eat because I am bored.  I have been drinking a lot of coffee because I have been so tired.  I had some friends come over and we had chinese food and ice cream.  This has got to stop.

Icing: This has gotten much better now that I can feel it.  I take the ace bandage off and use two gel packs with the cryo-cuff around them.  I try to do 30 minute sessions with some elevation.

ADLs: I’m doing well moving around my apartment. I live in a small one bedroom apartment in the Gold Coast so there isn’t too much space to cover. Overall, I’m able to get up when needed and get a cup of coffee, make food, etc. I have needed help to take out the trash, do laundry, etc. 

CPM: I got to 45 degrees comfortable and sat in it for 4 hours. I feel really encouraged with my progress thus far with the CPM. I feel confident that by two weeks after surgery I might be near 90 degrees. 

Day 5: 6.10.18

Sleep: I slept in my bed for the first time.  It was generally OK but I miss being able to sleep on my side and freely move my leg.

Pain: I took some pills for comfort in the CPM and I made great progress. I’m going to try being pill free now and see how it goes. 

Appetite: Too good. I ordered pizza but it was worth it . I’ve gotta be more strict. People keep bringing me comfort food which is nice but I have to reign it in. 

Icing: Same as the day before. 

CPM: This is what I’m most proud of. I think I got roughly 4 hours in but I got up to 70 and it was pretty comfortable. I think I’m able to make larger strides than just 5 degrees per day so I may challenge myself to try larger increments, so long as the pain is tolerable. When I start I like to build it up; i.e. start lower and then make my way up. I also need to figure out a way to keep my foot against the back platform.

ADLs: I had a friend come stay with me which is nice. She’s a nurse so she’s fascinated by the procedure. She encouraged me to try higher degrees in the CPM which kinda nudged me to try for more. Once she leaves in a few days I’m totally on my own. I should be fine but I’m a little apprehensive  

Day 8: 6.13.18

Sleep: The brace is so annoying. I’ve tried sleeping on my side with the bad leg up with a pillow in between. It was ok but not how I want to sleep.

Pain: I'm not taking any pills and I'm trying to stay off them until I start formal PT.  I am still sore sometimes after the CPM.

CPM: I got up to 90 today! It’s tight when I get to the top but generally not too painful.  

Icing: I’ve started doing ice cups which is essentially ice directly to the knee. It’s faster and colder quicker. 

ADLs: I started working yesterday at home. Finding balance is really really hard. I found myself at 5:00 p.m. today realizing I had not sat in the CPM at all. Likewise, I did not ice either. I slept in late since I’ve generally just been tired. I have to get myself on a better and more productive schedule. Otherwise, I’ll set myself back both physically and professionally.

Week 1 Observations 

I am so much better off than I ever expected. Both the pain and physical limitations are completely tolerable. With that being said, now that I have to start working again I’ve realized how much this recovery truly entails. I need to start doing some rehabilitation on my own and trying to fit that in with work, the CPM and icing feels impossible.  Literally, it does not feel like there are enough hours in the day.  I’ve started to wonder if I should have put off the procedure until I was eligible for FMLA leave so I could take off six full weeks to dedicate towards rehabilitation and recovery.  However, this procedure was never going to be easy and there will never be a "convenient" time to do it so to some extent, diving right in was not a bad idea. You will always find a way to make it all work. You don’t have a choice. 

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Weeks 10 and 11

Range of Motion/Swelling/Pain :  My range of motion was about 120 degrees.  I could almost sit Indian-style which is my "go-to" si...